Zapestnice so mi zelo všeč in so moji najljubši kosi nakita, poleg srebrnih prstanov. Mojca ima rada črno - rdečo kombinacijo barv. Podarila sem ji tole mehko zapestnico s koščki lubenice in manjšo peresnico z meni priljubljenim"narisanim" motivom ptice in drevesa.
I made soft red and black bracelet with slices of wattermelon and zipper pouch with bird and tree for Mojca. When I don't know how to menage computer issues she helps me with patience. She is kind, makes excellent chocolate cakes and mojitos and she is my best friend...

Spet sem si naročila moo-jeve mini kartice. vedno so tako lepe..
And my new moo mini cards. They are so nice to me.The text on the other side means handmade soft things, made in Slovenia.
It's time for traveling again and for the Giant's causaway legend