četrtek, 4. november 2010

shinny recycling

foto smetumet
Punce iz društva SMETUMET imajo po novem svoj prostor v Ljubljani, na Celovški 53. Trenutno zbirajo zanimive kose pohištva, ki jih bodo predelale in ga z njimi opremile. Med predmeti, ki bi jih rade imele, so med drugim male omarice, raznovrstni stolčki, pručke, klopce, namizne in samostoječe svetilke..Lahko jim pišete, če imate karkoli ustreznega in bodo prišle pogledat. Pa še klik za en zelo simpatičen dokumentarec o kosovnem odvozu, v katerem sodelujejo.

Slovenian girls from SMETUMET make beautiful recycled pieces from waste and now have their own place.

I present some more authors who also make shinny recycled pieces.Especially I admire Tif''s work. She creates the most beautiful wall hangings, peachy apron wraps, vintage garlands,lap quilts,crochet blankets...All from recycled finds,vintage pillowcases,vintage lace and some other finds from thrifting stores..She also makes wonderful photos of her art work.

                                                                         foto by dottie angel
Gorgeous handcraft with a vintage vibe  by Dottie angel

                                                                foto by ma chemise d'homme
Man's clothes change into woman's by Ma chemise d'homme

                                                                  foto by talking squid
Recycled T-shirts by Talking squid

                                                               foto by peaces of indigo
Handmade silver jewlery reclaimed from discarded electronics by Peaces of indigo

3 komentarji:

  1. What lovely things, and you've sent me to a new favorite site,Dottie Angels...Thanks!

  2. Vesna, ful hvala za link na res simpatičen dokumentarec... mi je bil zelooo všeč!
