četrtek, 24. februar 2011

the cutest teddy bear

Piki Jakob from slovenian children book ( on the photo)  inspired Mojca to crochet this lovely tiny teddy bear. He waits for one lucky child  at our shopping  window:)

torek, 22. februar 2011

tiny dragonfly brooch

This tiny dragonfly brooch is new in our etsy shop. He dreams about happy, soft and long life :)

sobota, 19. februar 2011

Silvo the Bumble Bee

I'm happy to anounce that my best friend Mojca decided to crochet amigurumi funny toys for cherry time. From today we have etsy store together. Here is her section of crocheted toys.
Silvo the bumble bee is so funny. He is perfect mobile animal toy.

četrtek, 17. februar 2011

winners of my OWOH 2011 giveaway

My granny style crocheted hanger goes to............................................Dajon

and my Loving tree felted brooch goes to.......................................stampdiva

Thank you all for participating, lovely coments and visiting my blog.Welcome back anytime. Have a nice day,


ponedeljek, 14. februar 2011

Some of my hearts...

I love creating soft things with hearts. Felted, crocheted,folded, sewn hearts :) Be happy, nice and in love every single day!

Če imate radi umetnost in Frido, ste danes vabljeni na razstavo. Sicer pa kakšen drug dan.Se že zelo veselim.

četrtek, 10. februar 2011

nedelja, 6. februar 2011

Would you like a cup of milk?

I'm happy to show you my latest felted earings. I needle felted two tiny cups full of  milk and added white buttons for plates and also two pink buttons for good luck. They are available in my etsy shop in my felted jewelry section.

sobota, 5. februar 2011

lovely gift from my friend

My friend surprised me with this beautiful vintage find.Cute small  tin can made by former sweets factory called Šumi full of vintage buttons. Real treasure from the past..I'll use some of them for designing my earings.I put most of them in my etsy shop.

petek, 4. februar 2011

Inspired by Frida Kahlo

Unikatna sanjalnica in likovno društvo ME-VI-ART na valentinovo pripravljata otvoritev razstave,ki je posvečena mehiški umetnici Fridi Kahlo.

Na moji paleti so bili pigmenti, tiskarska pasta, barvni sukanci in lepe stare čipke. Po njeni sliki "okvir"sem oblikovala "Fridino blazinico"

I like Frida's art so much.Her painting "The frame" inpired me to design this pillow named "Her pillow"
I screen printed vintage linen with different shinny colors. And then finished  it by cutting and sewing tiny pieces together.I'm happy with the result.
Last october I had a chance to visit her exhibition at Vienna.It was beyond beautiful..I hope some day I'll have a chance to travel to Mexico an visit her Casa azul.That would be so wonderful...

Frida Kahlo "the frame"