četrtek, 14. julij 2011

Fox Lady Upcycled Tote Bag

Upcycled white vintage bed linen summer tote bag with fox and lace doily by cherry time. New in our handmade shop. I like recycling and upcycling different fabrics. Vintage linen is one of my favourites supplies.

7 komentarjev:

  1. O.....kako lepo....pa saj ne morem verjeti....si prava *mala*- dragocena zakladnica idej....:)

  2. Včeraj sta nastali dve.Ena bo kar moja :)

  3. This is a lovely blog. Your photos are beautiful - not like mine!!

  4. I agree! This blog is lovely and the photos are fabulous! I need your secret for taking good photos.

    I also LOVE the fox tote bag!

  5. thank you!!
    the secret is enjoying taking photos and a lot of experimenting :)
